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goose 11:01 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Well you’ll be finding out one way or another very soon.
Make the most of your time you miserable old fuck. Try not to waste it spamming up WHO.

Willtell 11:05 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
So asking a poster that claims to have Christian faith why he lies and twists words on a "Do You Believe In God" thread is spamming now is it?

goose 11:14 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Shut up you silly old fool - nobody wants to read your nonsense on this thread.

Willtell 11:20 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Oh I don't know goose. I'm sure there will be a few posters that enjoy seeing you squirm...

BRANDED 11:21 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
There is no scientific theory of the universe that doesn't indicate the presence of a creator. No matter how you get to it we do not just come from nothing.

Willtell 11:27 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
A creator possibly but what does that have to do with religion? There is absolutely no link.

A well known scientist recently said that there is around 96% of the universe we do not understand.

Darlo Debs 11:31 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
No.i don't. Absolutely not. Religion is about social.control and too many pick and choose the bits of their religion that allows them.to justify their biased and outdated views, or just be plain hypocrites.

Come On You Irons 11:42 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
This must be the 100th thread on this topic on WHO.

No. I don't. And I think anyone who does is a deluded, hard of thinking fool.

bell 11:55 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
You'd have to be some sort of simpleton to.

*Waves at West Ham Online*

the exile 12:36 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Religions, every single one of them, have to be the worst ever invention of mankind. But yes, there has to be some kind of creator/designer. Who or what that is is way beyond my understanding, but that's ok.

Come On You Irons 1:08 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Why does there 'have to' be some kind of creator/ designer?

And if there is, then who 'created' the 'creator/designer'?

nychammer 1:33 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Do you believe space is an endless void?

Mike Oxsaw 1:42 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
BRANDED 11:21 Thu Nov 30

It is possible that we do, indeed, come from nothing.

Nothing as generally perceived is an empty space/vacuum, but that vacuum is actually seething with virtual particle pairs popping into and out of existence in less than the blink of an eye, under constraints such as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. This is one of the possible candidates for the Dark Energy that appears to be acting like anti-gravity and speeding up the expansion of the universe.

If such particles appear at the event horizon of a black hole, and one is trapped, there is a sudden imbalance in that universe - matter has, indeed come from nothing and it can't disappear because it's partner has been drawn into the black hole. It may then well enter a period of rapid expansion within which lies a completely new and totally isolated (possibly our) universe.

Rinse and repeat. No need for a creator or supreme deity - just a need for eternity.

Side of Ham 1:45 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Mike Spocksaw…..very good!

Coffee 2:00 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Mike Oxsaw 1:42 Thu Nov 30

Who created those particles? Who or what created anything and everything?

Rinse and repeat.

dm 2:11 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Don't believe in any deity. Religion still holds humanity back terribly.

cholo 2:18 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?

The question isn't who or what, it's how? God is having to fit into ever decreasing gaps.

Mike Oxsaw 2:28 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Coffee 2:00 Thu Nov 30

By definition, eternity needs no creator. The fact that everything we experience has a finite life need not apply here.

Bit like assuming infinity is just a number like 45, 28, 655445 or whatever. There are an infinite number of infinities - they have a different number of elements making them up, but are all the same size - infinite.

You don't believe me?

Just take the everyday numbers; from 1 to, well, infinity.

Now multiply each number by 2. You have the same number of entries in this "new" infinity, but it has not one single odd number in it, so it is the same, half and double the size of the original infinity at the same time. Yet it can't be any bigger or smaller that the original because that was, well, infinite to start with.

Mindfuck doesn't even come close.

norwaytips 4:15 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
Not at all. All theistic belief has to be indoctrinated, which explains why Muslim parents don’t have Christian children and why Christian parents don’t have Hindu children.

Wils 4:27 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
And why Atheist parents don't have religious children.

No one can escape from that. Atheistic believe is indoctrinated too.

swindon hammer 4:45 Thu Nov 30
Re: Do you believe in God?
I find many people that were born with and brought up with a faith/religion don’t actually believe in God but just do it out of some sort of family tradition because their parents/grandparents did.

From experience I find Catholics are the worst for this. They wear it as some sort of badge of honour but hardly ever go to Church or really believe in it.

The world would be better without Religion.

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